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High Point Kids & Families

This season of physical distancing is allowing new opportunities to disciple your children at home. As our church is scattered we want to remind you that discipleship happens in the everyday things of life (Deuteronomy 6:4-9). For many families, you are having to do new things or at least shift your daily rhythms. Instead of feeling overwhelmed or frustrated, use this as an opportunity to create a foundation of discipleship in the everyday things of life.

Each lesson will have an activity sheet/take home paper that reviews the lesson, practices the memory verse, has a family discussion and for the younger children, the "Justin and Jessie" story with practical application. The coloring page is just a little something extra if you want. Each grade has appropriate topics of discussion. Sometimes there is an additional video from Answers in Genesis that relates to the lesson theme and those will be posted as well. 

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May 31

Lesson 27

Many arks that we see are NOT what is described in the Bible. The silly-looking arks would never have survived a worldwide Flood.

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June 7

lesson 28

The weather following the Flood-warm oceans and cold air-produced conditions just right for the Ice Age.

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June 14

Lesson 29

God judged the disobedience of mankind at Babel by confusing the common language. This caused the people to scatter over the earth.

Additional Resources for your Family



God speaks to us through a Book. One of the best things you can do for your kid’s development is to read. We recommend having books all-around your house so that you are more likely to read.


The Beginner's Gospel Storybook Bible

(Great for ages 2-5)


The Gospel Storybook Bible


The Jesus Story Book Bible


Exploring the Bible: A Bible Reading Plan for Kids


Big Truths for Young Hearts



Digital Resources:


The Bible Project


The Verses Project




As you spend more time with your children, you may find it helpful to read books encouraging you as the primary disciplers of your kids.


Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles that Can Radically Change your Family


Bible Reading with Your Kids: A Simple Guide for Every Father


Mama Bear Apologetics


Tech-Wise Family​


Age of Opportunity: A Biblical Guide to Parenting Teens​



Feel free to reach out if you have any questions! 

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