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Sunday Worship

High Point will not meet corporately for at least the next several weeks. However, there is no reason not to worship at home.


You will see the weekly worship links below:

How to engage with Sunday Worship online

There is no pause button when it comes to worship. God is worthy of worship in a larger church building when we're all together and He's worthy of worship in homes. While this feels like an interruption we know that our Sovereign God is at work as well. We're asking God to give us eyes to see the gospel opportunities and possibilities of this time like Mom's and Dad's leading together in family worship, and opportunities to make phone calls and share content online.


Here are a few tips for family worship and living as the church in these unique times.


1. Get out of bed and get dressed: it will put you in the right mindset to worship.


2. Gather the family at 10:00 am for the LIVE Stream going through your normal Sunday Routine. If you have children you may want to watch the kï½¥crew lesson at 9:30 am and then have a brief break before the morning service. For those who may not have children at home, you can join a live ZOOM prayer meeting from 9:15-9:45am.


3. Remove as many distractions as possible and pray together as a family before you start.


4. Project the feed on your largest screen: it'll feel more like you're "there".


5. Share a Photo of Family Worship on Social Media: this will remind and encourage other believers that worship is not confined to a building.


6. Call a fellow church member: take a few minutes today to call at least one person you normally talk to on Sunday.


We love you all and can’t wait to gather again as a whole church body, but until then, lead with faith and confidence. We trust that God will be using this time of scattering to gather us to Himself and deepen our roots in Him.

Sunday Services


Worship with Us from Home


kï½¥crew Resources


Love Your Kids and

Lead Them to Jesus

Weekly Devotions

& Prayer

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Our Church Family

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Those Who Can Help a Need

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